A lot of you have been asking me about the big change in my emails.
I really stepped up my email game in 2020 (thanks for noticing!!)
I’ll tell you how I did it in a minute...
I used to randomly email you.
I didn’t have a plan.
I didn’t have a clue.
Maybe I was launching a new course or webinar so I would send only 1 or 2 emails to promote it.
I didn’t want to be one of those aggressive marketers who pummel you with offer after offer.
I errored (is that a word?) on the side of caution and it turns out I was totally off your radar.
I didn’t want to offend you but there was no way I could offend you because I didn’t email you often enough for you to even know I was alive.
I was so inconsistent, you rarely opened my emails.
You never took me up on my offers to help you.
I really wanted to help you but I failed miserably.
Something had to change because I really did want to help you (I still do!).
In late 2019, I attended Copy Chief Live, a conference for copywriters.
One of the speakers at Copy Chief Live was Laura Belgray.
Once in a while, you meet someone you really resonate with.
Laura is super smart, super successful and a ton of fun.
Her website, TalkingShrimp.com tells you everything you need to know.
I love to have fun and love to work with people who like to have fun.
Laura had the answer to my miserable email performance.
She’s my dirty little secret 🙂
Just after Copy Chief Live she launched a new course called Inbox Hero.
The price was very affordable (way underpriced!) so I took a chance.
It turned out to be one of the best purchases I ever made.
Now you know why my email open rates are often over 50%.
And people thank me for sending them email (when did you ever thank anyone for filling your inbox every day?).
Some people even check on me if I fail to send my daily email.
Now you know why my sales skyrocketed in 2020 while I was trapped in my home office.
Inbox Hero is available for short time.
Don’t miss out!