When a doctor tells you that you need triple bypass surgery, you don't negotiate with him to start with one bypass and see how it goes.
How do you establish yourself as the authority in your niche?
First you need to determine what your prospect's biggest problem is. Perry Marshall calls this “the bleeding neck”. What keeps them up at night? What is their biggest fear if they don't solve this problem?
Next, you ask open ended questions and listen. “How is this affecting your family life?” “How is this affecting morale in your company?”
They will open up and tell you what the think will happen like “I won't be able to make payroll next week”
Keep saying “Tell me more” and listen. They will go deeper and deeper into what's really bothering them and how it will affect their business and their personal life.
This process makes them trust you and when you offer a solution to solve their problem, they won't hesitate to invest in your solution.
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