Did you know the number of coaches on LinkedIn TRIPLED in the past 18 months? 

In 2001, I received my CPCC certification from Coaches Training Institute (CTI) 

Today, they’re called The Co-Active Training Institute and I highly recommend their training. 

This is not your weekend coach certificate for $37. 

The program is extensive. 

I had to complete 6 core courses before I could apply for certification. 

Certification took 9 months and we had to pass a written and oral exam.

I followed up with their year-long leadership program which was even more powerful than the coaching certification. 

Two and a half years of training and I was ready to rock the coaching world. 


I realized I had no idea how to market and sell my coaching. 

CTI training was fantastic, but they didn’t teach us how to package or market our services. 

My coaching offer was 3 coaching sessions a month for $400. 

They told me this was what most CTI coaches offered. 

I didn’t have a niche. 

I was a Life Coach with a CPCC certification. 

A generalist at best… 

…with zero experience. 

My tools were the wheel of life, I knew how to be an active listener and I knew how to ask open-ended questions and listen. 

Don’t give advice they taught us. 

Ask more questions until your client reaches their AH HA moment. 

At the end of my first year of coaching, I had ZERO clients paying me $400 for 3 coaching sessions per month. 

I had a few sliding scale (almost free) clients. 

I didn’t know what differentiation meant when it comes to your offers and marketing message. 

Fast forward to today... 

I spent the last 20 years honing my sales and marketing skills. 

I feel like I’ve carved out a nice niche that will carry me for the rest of my career. 

But I have to keep my finger on the pulse of the industry and adjust as needed to stay one step ahead. 

So how do you differentiate your business? 

Would you like to spend a few minutes brainstorming ways to differentiate your business? 

Sign up for a 30-minute Laser Coaching Session and we’ll come up with some ideas.

About the author 

Ted Prodromou

Would you like me to help you?

I'm the #1 best-selling author of Ultimate Guide to LinkedIn for Business and Ultimate Guide to Twitter for Business. People call me America's Leading LinkedIn Coach.

I'm the founder of Search Marketing Simplified, LLC, a full service online marketing agency. The SMS team designs and implements advanced LinkedIn and social media lead-generation strategies for small to medium-sized businesses. SMS will set up and manage your marketing funnels using organic, social and paid traffic.

Did you know I've been working with the internet since 1991, long before Al Gore invented it?

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