You may have noticed a theme in my recent messages.
When you want to become great at something you need to do the work.
You need to focus.
There are no shortcuts to success.
David Sedaris says if you want to be a great writer, you need to write EVERY day.
If you want to be a great copywriter, you need to write copy EVERY day.
To be a great coach you need to coach EVERY day.
There are no shortcuts to success.
Reading books or taking courses will give you a foundation but you need to do the work to get better.
Look at professional athletes like Tiger Woods and Steph Curry.
They spent thousands of hours doing the work to get better.
They didn't stop putting in the extra effort once they reached the top.
They worked even harder.
They are driven to be great, and they put in the work.
No excuses.
These guys don't have just one coach helping them.
They have specific coaches for different aspects of their game.
Tiger has a putting coach, another coach who helps with his long game, and another coach who's an expert in the short game.
He has a nutrition coach, a mental coach, and fitness coaches.
Pro golfers didn't have niche coaches before Tiger.
Most pro golfers were overweight and out of shape.
Working out and eating nutritious food wasn't part of their game.
Until Tiger started dominating the golf tour.
For years, I've been carrying around an extra 20 pounds.
When I was younger, I could knock off five pounds in a few days by eating less and working out a little.
It's a lot harder to do these days.
I invested in countless weight loss books, diets, programs, supplements, and even hypnosis.
My Peloton exercise routine is dialed in with 137 consecutive weeks of at least one workout.
Consistent Peloton workouts helped me drop 10 pounds and I feel a lot better.
That remaining 10-15 pounds just won't go away because I'm not doing the work on my eating habits.
I know what I need to do but I'm not doing it consistently.
I don't eat fast food or fried foods.
Sugar is my kryptonite.
My diet is pretty good except for that nasty sugar habit.
I'll make some progress then I fall off the wagon.
Another problem I have is that I pick and choose instead of going all in on one program.
I think the first one I tried was The South Beach Diet.
Followed that for a while then moved on to the latest fad diet.
I tried Keto but didn't follow it 100%.
The Mediterranean Diet worked well (my Greek genes helped me stick to that one for a while) but once I hit a plateau, I'd move on to another diet instead of working my way through it.
To drop that final 10-15 pounds, I need to tap into the same emotions that keep me riding my Peloton.
Applying my workout motivation to my eating habits will put me over the top.
And it wouldn't hurt to have a coach guiding me on my weight loss journey.
I see this with people marketing their business.
I'll be brutally honest...
...most business owners are terrible marketers.
You can't be a part-time marketer and succeed in business.
There are too many moving parts that are constantly changing.
You either need to do the work to become a great marketer or hire an expert who has done the work.
The problem is... do you find someone who is an expert?
There are a lot of people who sound like they know what they're doing but they haven't done the work (I've hired a lot of pseudo-experts who didn't know what they're doing).
I see a lot of you investing in the latest marketing gimmick (I was guilty of this in the past).
Marketers are very clever.
They find a loophole that works then everyone jumps on the bandwagon and kills the golden goose.
This is why Google, Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn are always making changes to their platforms.
For years, I invested in these programs, and I never got the same results as the guru promised (sound familiar?).
I finally discovered their deep, dark secret.
When marketers find a golden goose and kill it, they create a $1997 course that teaches you the gimmick.
The problem is that the loophole has been closed and it no longer works.
The marketer makes more money selling you a course about a gimmick that worked last year than they did by leveraging the gimmick.
Today, I focus on the long game for my business.
I invest for the long term.
I know I can't be an expert in everything, so I surround myself with a variety of coaches.
I don't do gimmicks.
Just help people with no expectations.
Build relationships.
Start conversations.
Have fun and be yourself.
You'll attract the right people who will buy from you for years and send you great referrals.
Try it. You'll like it!
P.S. I'm putting together a group of entrepreneurs who are looking to play the long game.
Surround ourselves with the best marketing and business coaches.
Create a peer group where we can bounce ideas off each other and get advice from a team of subject matter expert coaches.
Comment YES if you'd like to learn more.