On October 17, 1989 I left work at 3 PM to meet with my realtor and a contractor to inspect the house we were buying (the house we live in today).
At 5:04 PM we were standing in front of our house discussing the inspection and we felt a little rumble, like a bus or truck was passing by. We didn't think much about it and we got in our cars to drive home.
As I was on my way to pick up my daughter Alicia at her daycare, I turned on the radio to listen to the Giants - A's World Series. I couldn't believe what was happening.
They said a section of the Bay Bridge collapsed and the Nimitz double-decker freeway collapsed.
If I would have left work at my normal time that day, I would've been on the lower deck of the Nimitz Freeway at 5:04 PM right where this picture was taken. #timingiseverything #countyourblessings
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