Now that you have a compelling LinkedIn profile headline, a professional photo, and your industry information filled out, it's time to move on to the next section of your profile.
Below your Basic Information is your Status Update section. Your Share updates will appear right under your Basic Information and will also appear under All Updates on the Home page of LinkedIn. You can configure your LinkedIn account so your Tweets will automatically appear as your Status.
Your Share your status using this box which is located on the Home page of LinkedIn. By checking the box, your Share will also be Tweeted.
Now we’ll move into your Experience or Employment section. To add your Current and Previous positions, click +Add Postion.
Simply fill out the form and click Save Changes. Make sure your add a brief but clear description of each position. Use your target keywords in your description so you will be found when people search for your skillsets. You can also Ask for Recommendations from previous co-workers in this form.
Once you’ve added your Current and Previous positions, you’ll move to your Education. Simply click Add a School to enter your schools, years attended and your major. You can also Request Recommendations from classmates and educators.
Your Recommendations are displayed next and you can Ask for a Recommendation in this section by clicking on the link. Fill out the form and a Recommendation request will be sent to the contacts you choose.
Your profile is almost complete. In my next blog post we'll put the finishing touches on your LinkedIn profile. Remember to take your time and fill out all of the information completely. Use your target keywords or skills in your description so you're profile will easily be found when someone searches on LinkedIn or on Google. If you have any questions or comments, please add a comment to this post and I'll get back to you.