Do Super Bowl ads work? Blog article written by Ted Prodromou

What was your favorite Super Bowl ad? 

To be honest, I was at a Super Bowl party, and I missed most of the ads because most people had zero interest in the game or the ads. 

Every year, companies spend millions to run an ad during the Super Bowl. 

Over 100 million people "watch" the Super Bowl, so it's a great opportunity for brand recognition. 

This year, you needed to spend $7 million for a 30-second ad. 

You also need to spend millions creating your ad. 

For every ad shown during the Super Bowl, each company creates up to 20 additional ads that are never seen. 

Extensive testing is done to choose the best ad. 

Research shows a company will receive a boost of up to 22% in brand recognition when they run a Super Bowl ad. 

The bad news is that spike in brand recognition fades within 48 hours. 

How do you capitalize on the 48-hour spike? 

Lots of social media activity before and after the Super Bowl. 

I'm sure you started seeing teasers about the Super Bowl ads long before Super Bowl Sunday. 

YouTube videos, Instagram posts and stories, Facebook and Twitter posts. 

You will continue to see social media posts that continue the conversation started by the Super Bowl ads. 

Using this approach, the spike in brand recognition will continue well into next week. 

I'd love to hear your thoughts. 

About the author 

Ted Prodromou

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I'm the #1 best-selling author of Ultimate Guide to LinkedIn for Business and Ultimate Guide to Twitter for Business. People call me America's Leading LinkedIn Coach.

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