The question people ask me all the time...
"Do I need a paid LinkedIn account?"
I ask, "Do you need more customers?"
"Yes, I do"
"What is your marketing budget?"
"I don't have a marketing budget"
"How much time do you spend on LinkedIn every week?"
"I don't have time to log in every week"
Obviously, if you don't spend time or money on marketing, your business will struggle.
If you don't have time to use LinkedIn, a premium account will be a waste of money.
You know I'm a big fan of Sales Navigator.
People tell me Sales Navigator is too expensive.
$80 a month or $960 if you pay annually.
I ask them "If you get one client a year from Sales Navigator would it be worth $960 to your business?"
Sales Navigator isn't perfect.
No software tool is perfect.
Sales Navigator is a powerful tool you can use to find your ideal clients on LinkedIn.
You can also find active LinkedIn users (60% are considered inactive users).
Sales Navigator does the heavy lifting for you.
Set up automated searches and the LinkedIn algorithm does the work for you.
I wish I got a commission from LinkedIn when I refer people, but they don't share the wealth with me🙂
LinkedIn is offering a 60-day trial to Sales Navigator.
If you want to give it a try, we need to be 1st degree connections on LinkedIn.
Send me a message on LinkedIn and I will hook you up.
Try it, you'll like it.