Yesterday the world witnessed history with the inauguration of Barack Obama as the 44th President of the United States. President Obama promised change in America and change in the world if he was elected. We elected him and he's already providing change in the first 24 hours.
Yes there are the executive orders he executed seconds after he was sworn in (with the wrong oath of office, thanks to Chief Justice John Roberts!). He also froze the wages of the White House staff and turned on a brand new look to the White House website
But I'm talking about real change. The change that matters to all of us.
What change am I talking about?
I like to visit my local Starbucks daily, sometimes a couple of times a day. A few months ago I could barely get in the door no matter what time of day I went. Business was booming at Starbucks as we satisfied our caffeine addiction. The economy was flying high and so were we!
Then the economy tanked and Starbucks was empty no matter what time I went. Did the economy cause a slowdown at Starbucks or did Starbucks cause the ecomonic slowdown? I don't know for sure but something really exciting happened today when I went to Starbucks.
The store was packed this morning. The line was out the door. Every table was full, inside and out, even though it's cloudy and cold this morning. The energy level was incredible and you could feel the buzz across the parking lot. Everyone was in a great mood and chatting away. Just like the old days (2 months ago!)
I have no scientific evidence to prove my assumption but I really think the increased business today was caused by the inauguration of President Obama. He's lifted our spirits with his enthusiasm and charisma. We have hope that everything will be okay and faith that he will lead us out of this horrible economic disaster.
So what do we do to celebrate? We run out to Starbucks and spend some money!!