What are your favorite WordPress plugins? There are hundreds of free WordPress plugins and most people don't take advantage of them to enhance their blog. Some plugins improve the appearance of the blog. Other plugins improve your search rankings. What's great about Open Source software is that new, free plugins appear almost daily on the internet.
It's important to make sure you only use plugins from reputable sources. Some plugins are written by amateur programmers and can crash your blog. Other plugins can have malicious code that can download spyware onto your computer. I always read the reviews of each plugin to make sure it's reliable before I install it. One of my favorite plugin creators is Joost de Valk at www.yoast.com
Yoost recently released his top 11 WordPress plugins on his blog at http://yoast.com/top-wordpress-plugins/ This is a great list of “must have” WordPress Plugins.
What are your favorite WordPress plugins? Please add your favorites as a Comment to this post and I'll compile a list for everyone.