I know I'm not supposed to confuse you with two different messages in one post but...
Number one, on Tuesday, March 21st at 10 AM Pacific/1 PM Eastern, we will be talking about what's new on LinkedIn in our Rapid Results Academy group call.
I haven't done a "What's new on LinkedIn" call in a while and there's a lot to share.
I'm opening this call up to everyone, even if you're not a member of Rapid Results Academy, so please join us.
No need to register. Just click the link below at 10 AM Pacific/1 PM Eastern.
Number two, I finally started a LinkedIn Newsletter called Random (sometimes inappropriate) Thoughts.
>>> Subscribe to Random (sometimes inappropriate) Thoughts here.
Each week my newsletter will summarize my almost-daily emails and give you insight into what I'm doing to market my business.
I created the newsletter on Saturday morning, and I have 1130 subscribers 48 hours later.
Please subscribe to Random (sometimes inappropriate) Thoughts and share it with your LinkedIn network.
I'll share your LinkedIn Newsletter with my 25K LinkedIn followers.
Have a great week!