Before I tell you about my business brain, welcome to the 1753 new email subscribers who joined us in December. (Want to know how I did it?)
If you are new to my email list, you will see this is not your normal "tips and tricks" newsletter.
I've been known to tell it like it is and not sugarcoat how hard it is to start and run a successful business.
I'll often call "BS" because I'm tired of seeing people being ripped off.
There are a ton of snake oil salesmen who claim to be selling you "hope."
They justify it by saying it's up to you to turn that "hope" into a successful business.
Your chance of turning that "hope" into a successful business without proper guidance is about the same as winning the Powerball.
End of rant and back to my business brain.
I've been in business for over 20 years, and I've never been able to turn off my business brain during the holidays.
Normally, I use this "down" time to catch up on my reading list or watch some of the courses I bought but didn't have time to consume.
I sneak away from the family chaos for a few hours to work on my business.
I'm always waking up in the middle of the night with ideas to grow my business.
I see an ad and I think of ways I could apply their approach to my business.
My business brain is always "on" which is a blessing and a curse.
My wife makes fun of me when I read business books on vacation, but that's what I enjoy doing while sitting on the beach.
This year is different.
I've been able to turn off my business brain.
Completely off.
I didn't consciously try to turn it off this year.
It just happened.
Is this something I can replicate?
I have a lot of thoughts about why this happened that I want to share with you...
... but I know you are probably off this week, so I'll let you go for now.
Later, I'll share how I've been able to step away from my computer for the first time in years.