Thank you for joining me on my LinkedIn 30/30 Challenge. In case you missed the first few days, let me explain why I'm doing this.
Every day in June, I'm spending 30 minutes a day on LinkedIn. No more than 30 minutes a day. Just 30 minutes. I spend the 30 minutes helping others by answering questions in Groups, Liking their Group activity, Liking and Sharing their Status updates and supporting my network. I also share helpful blog posts and articles I've written as well as great content I come across on the internet.
My only goal is to help as many people as I can during the 30 days. I'm not out to get new clients because my consulting practice is full and I have a waiting list. I want to show people that spending just 30 minutes a day can make a difference in your business.
And maybe spending 30 minutes a day won't make a difference. At the end of the 30 days I'm going to report my findings, good or bad. But I have to say the response from the first three days has been incredible!
I started sharing daily results with you but for the sake of my time and your time, I'm going post weekly updates. If you're participating in the Challenge with me or you have any LinkedIn success stories you want to share, please comment below. I'm also looking for people with LinkedIn success stories who want to be part of my final report.
Keep connecting on LinkedIn and see you there!