In this day and age, running a profitable internet marketing business and marketing affiliate products for profit is not as complex and difficult as most struggling online advertisers believe.   However, the one absolutely essential ingrediant to affiliate marketing success is determination, discipline, and the ability to take massive action on a consistant basis. 

Having said that, with all the "noise" that abounds in the online world with new products and services (all essentially regurgitated over and over), it is difficult for many to focus on what needs to be done to even get started and carry it through – a case of "opportunity addiction" as well as "analysis paralysis".

Since I suffered from some of that internet marketing attention deficit disorder myself, I thought I would apply the same regimented program that I used when training for the Ironman Triathlon the last two years and apply the same focus and dedicated schedule to building an online business – or portfolio of online assets.   Using this concept of "marketing like an Ironman",  it gives me a step-by-step structure to follow on a daily / monthly / weekly basis to assess my progress and skill level, much like how one would train for an endurance event like Ironman.

I am following a system called the SEOPress Formula 60 day challenge which is a step-by-step method for conducting market research, creating an online presence using a WordPress SEO optimized blog, investigating monetization methods for the blog and finally driving traffic to it – with the ultimate goal of making money (obviously) after the 60 day period of building is over. 

The whole premise of the system is to follow a proven system and not deviate from what has already been proven to work – much like Andrew Hansen's niche marketing methods.  Follow the system with military like precision and the rewards will reveal themselves – the key is to stick with it and not jump from method to method and system to system

The SEOPress Formula is a simple way of sticking to a "training system" that has worked for many successful internet marketers and by following this system, there is no "what if I tried this or that" during the process.   Much like training for a marathon or triathlon, if you put in the training time and mileage, you will cross the finish line – it's just a matter of how long it takes.

About the author 

Ted Prodromou

Would you like me to help you?

I'm the #1 best-selling author of Ultimate Guide to LinkedIn for Business and Ultimate Guide to Twitter for Business. People call me America's Leading LinkedIn Coach.

I'm the founder of Search Marketing Simplified, LLC, a full service online marketing agency. The SMS team designs and implements advanced LinkedIn and social media lead-generation strategies for small to medium-sized businesses. SMS will set up and manage your marketing funnels using organic, social and paid traffic.

Did you know I've been working with the internet since 1991, long before Al Gore invented it?

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