I don't know about you but I feel like I'm losing the battle. I'm talking about the battle of keeping my life organized. Every day I get hundreds of emails,. the majority are spam of course. Most of them go into my spam folder but I have to keep up with it or I get totally overwhelmed.
They said computers would make us a paperless society. I'm sorry but I have more stacks of paper on my desk than ever.
Then there's the challenge of keeping my computer organized. I purchase a lot of ebooks and internet marketing related products. I file away the downloads into folders that “I'll never forget the name of”. Of course within a few weeks I have no idea what I purchased and where I filed it.
To top it off, I juggle a lot of projects. I have a list of hot leads I need to follow up with, warm leads, new projects and projects in progress. Once the project is complete I need to file the relevant information for future use.
I've tried many tactics to keep this mess organized and I finally found the solution. It's a very simple solution yet so powerful. I have access to all of my information on one easy to read screen.
Check it out here and let me know what you think. I'd like to know if this helps you get organized as much as it's helped me.