I was having lunch with my mother at Applebee's the other day and I noticed a flyer on the table. It said Wanna be on TV? We can help.
Check out www.applebees.com/realvideos and you'll see you can upload your own videos to their website. They want you to upload video of you and your family enjoying themselves at Applebees. They're going to feature the best videos on television commercials. What a great idea. They're using Web 2.0 to create interaction between you and their website. Applebees is inviting you into their community. The only thing they're missing is letting us see the uploaded videos on the website and make comments on each others videos.
I'm seeing more and more of this community building from large companies and I love it. The large, cold, faceless corporations are reaching out to us!! Now lets get the oil companies to reach out to us as their profits skyrocket and build a community!!