A popular way to get your name out on the internet these days is to comment on other people’s blogs. The process is very simple. Find popular blogs, make compelling comments, and add a link back to your website or blog when you fill out the comment form and you’ve joined the conversation. This is a great way to generate traffic back to your website or blog by leveraging the traffic of an already successful blog.

The best approach is to follow the conversation that’s going on in the blog and add your two cents. Don’t just leave a comment like “I agree” or “Nice post Jason”. Add a different perspective, create some controversy, or add some value to the conversation. Make people notice you so they’ll want to click on your name in the comment to learn more about you. Magically they’ll visit your website or blog to see what you’re all about.
Here are 10 easy ways to find popular blogs on the internet
  1. Do a search on Google for your keywords plus the word “blog”. For example if you’re looking for blogs about personal development search Google for “personal development blog”
  2. Add the word trackback to your Google search. A trackback is a blog component that automatically “pings” another blog when a new post or comment appears on a blog. Search Google for “personal development trackback” to find high quality blogs
  3. Add the word “typepad” to your Google search. Search Google for “personal development typepad” to find high quality blogs based on Typepad software which is a popular blogging software.
  4. Add the word “wordpress” to your Google search. Search Google for “personal development typepad” to find high quality blogs based on WordPress software which is a popular blogging software.
  5. Set up a Watchlist in the Blogger Central section of www.technorati.com Blogger Central is a great resource in itself showing you the hottest tags and blogs containing those tags.
  6. Use blogsearch.google.com to find blogs in your niche. Blogsearch is a search engine just for blogs.
  7. Check out www.blogcatalog.com It’s a comprehensive blog directory where you can promote your blog, find niche blogs, join BlogCatalog Groups, or join in on Blog Discussions. Add the BlogCatalog widget to your blog.
  8. Sign up at www.mybloglog.com. Join some communities in your niche and add the MyBlogLog Widget to your blog.
  9. Go to www.blogger.com and watch Blogs of Note and also search for blogs in your niche
  10. Download a free copy of Comment Sniper at www.commentsniper.com. You can search blogs using keyword phrases and you get a comprehensive list including Page Rank and Alexa ranking.

About the author 

Ted Prodromou

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I'm the #1 best-selling author of Ultimate Guide to LinkedIn for Business and Ultimate Guide to Twitter for Business. People call me America's Leading LinkedIn Coach.

I'm the founder of Search Marketing Simplified, LLC, a full service online marketing agency. The SMS team designs and implements advanced LinkedIn and social media lead-generation strategies for small to medium-sized businesses. SMS will set up and manage your marketing funnels using organic, social and paid traffic.

Did you know I've been working with the internet since 1991, long before Al Gore invented it?

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